Harvey Beaks - The Death of Harvey

While I was on YouTube, I found a video called "Badseeds.avi". I remembered that "Bad Seeds" was the original Harvey Beaks, before it was remade and polished for Nickelodeon, so I clicked on it.
What happened next I didn't expect.
It showed the title card that read, "The Death of Harvey." And then, it faded into the episode with Harvey sleeping.
It started just like the episode, "Pee-Choo!", except the animation was very poor, like the original pilot episode. When Harvey gets out of his house, Fee and Foo weren't there. Instead, it was Randal holding a shotgun, aiming at Harvey.
"And where do you think your going, Harvey?" Randal said.
Harvey looked confused, and replied, "Shut the fuck up, Randal."
After that, it zoomed into Randal's face, which was contorted and twisted. Then, he went mad and started to fire at Harvey, but kept missing.
"Come back, you little shit!", yelled Randal as he kept trying to kill Harvey.
It faded to Harvey running into an alleyway, with Randal following him into it. Randal aimed the gun, and this time, and shot Harvey 3 times in the chest. Blood sprayed all over Randal, as Harvey fell to the ground, dead.
"I got you now." Randal said, as he laughed a maniacal laugh.
It showed the wound in Harvey's chest for a split second, before the credits started. I could faintly hear Randal's gun firing repeatedly, and his laughter echoing through my speakers.